Home page Uczelnia Projekty Erasmus Plus UIK Higher education: CHANCES

Higher education: CHANCES


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Erasmus Plus program

Action 2. Higher education. Strategic partnerships for higher education

Project title: Climate CHANge related to Catholic Education as Subject in the HEI programs of education sciences

Project acronym: CHANCES

Grant No .: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-083010

Implementation period: 01/10/2020 - 30/09/2022

Total grant: EUR 265,331.00

Total grant for AIK: EUR 41,958.00

The Consortium is composed of 4 partners. All of them will participate in the development phase and in the implementation.
• COORDINATOR : Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) - Spain - (Private - non-profit) - www.uic.es
• Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie (AIK) - Poland - (Public - non-profit / Jesuit) - www.ignatianum.edu.pl Formerly Jesuit University of Philosophy and Education Ignatianum.
• MyDocumenta (MYD) – Spain (EdTech private SME – technological partner) - www.mydocumenta.com
• Libera Università degli Studi Maria Ss. Assunta di Roma (LUMSA) - Italy - (Public - non-state) www.lumsa.it
Project goals
Climate CHANge related to Catholic Education as Subject in the HEI programmes of education sciences.
Nowadays, there is an urgency to introduce the Climate Change subject in the curriculum of primary education. Today students’ engagement has crucial importance for fighting Climate Change (CC) in the next decades.
The EU includes UN SDGs in the EU Strategy on “youth and the world” and governments such as the ones of Spain, Poland and Italy have approved national strategies to include CC in the curriculum of their primary and secondary formal education systems.
The innovation of CHANCES project proposal is that the words of religion linked to the scientific knowledge could more effectively educate children’s minds and acts. There is the need for using eco-friendly religious education to make an impact.
The PROJECT consists of a HEI Curriculum & eportfolio to train future teachers to tackle the gap between schools’ pupils ‘concern and their personal commitments & skills on CA using an innovative methodology which updates the Catholic religious education subject relating it to CC knowledge.
What is worth knowing about the project?

All the partners bring the necessary expertise to achieve the project goals:

• Knowledge of desk and field research techniques.

• Expertise in the education sector and contact with HIE networks, policymakers and with the pre-school, primary and secondary formal education system (schools, teachers, pupils).

• Experience developing CC and/or Catholic Religious education training.

• Experience working in blended and elearning environments student-centered.

• Knowledge in training materials quality assurance.

Support schedule

The project aims to produce two Intellectual Outputs

Title Output 1. Future-oriented HIE curriculum to learn how to teach CC & CA in the formal subject of Catholic religious education

Lead Ttime: 1.10.2020- 30-06 2021

Title Output 2 – ePortfolio with e-learning and teaching materials

Lead Ttime: 1.06-2021- 31.07 2022

Social media

Multiplier Event

The following symposia are planned

Organizer: AIK 

S     Symposium: Catholic Religious education for CA for postgraduates’ studies in CatholicReligious education for pre-school &primary

D     Date: 2022-09-02 Place: Kraków

Organizator: LUMSA

2.       Symposium: Catholic Religious education for CA for postgraduates’ studies in CatholicReligious education for pre-school &primary

Date: 2022-09-09  Place: Rome

Organizator: MYD

3.       Symposium: Evidence the skills needed to educate on Climate Change through the Catholic Religious education subject in pre-school and primary schools

Date 2022-09-16       Place: Barcelona

Organizator: UIC

4.       International Conference: CC Climate change as it relates to Catholic religious education for pre-school & primary

Date: 2022-09-29      Place:: Barcelona

Media społecznościowe

Sympozjum Naukowo- Metodyczne - Kraków

Sympozjum - plakat